

香港六合彩中特网IC - 香港六合彩中特网 Interaction Centre


Chinese New Year – 新年快乐,万事顺意!

18 April 2023


With Chinese New Year coming round the corner on Sunday 22 January 2023, 香港六合彩中特网IC celebrated by visiting Stew Master 铁锅炖 restaurant on Bloomsbury Way. The stew pot 铁锅炖 is a speciality of Northeast China, including regions such as Shandong province. Each of the three tables were treated to one steaming stew pot - beef, goose, and fish - that was cooked directly on the heating elements in the table and shared as a group.

The event brought together students and staff from both Gower Street and Euston Road, and gave us the chance to welcome some new members to 香港六合彩中特网IC as well. We hope to make this an annual event to celebrate the diversity of cultures and festivals of members within 香港六合彩中特网IC, and wish everyone happiness and good fortune for the new year! 新年快乐,万事顺意!
