
Robert Porter of Sorn Hill

No Dates


Owner of Sorn Hill in Westmoreland, Jamaica, which was inherited by his children Mary, David and Robert Porter and his grandchildren Ann, Diana, Jane and Frances Gascoigne. The Gascoignes' grandmother was Frances Porter "of colour" and their baptisms gave them as "brown".

Further Information

Jane, Mary, Kate, Robert, David

Will available through Familysearch: .


Robert Porter of Westmoreland, carpenter and planter.

To my brother John Porter now or lately residing at Woolwich, Great Britain, 5 shillings sterling.

To my housekeeper Frances Porter, for her life, the piece of land called Tamarind Tree in Westmoreland consisting 37 1/2 acres, for her and her children by me, named Jane Porter, Mary Porter, Kate Porter, Robert Porter and David Porter. After her death the same to be divided between the children or the survivors of them.

To the aforesaid children, share and share alike, a certain house in Savanna La Mar, formerly in possession of Mary Vidall and purchased by me from her, with all the land and heriditaments therein belonging. It to be subject to the management of my eldest daughter Jane Porter.

Samuel Jeffries Esquire, William Forbes, planter, and William Wharton, planter, all of Westmoreland, to be executors.

As soon as possible after my decease, the piece of land in the mountain purchased by me and Thomas Yeats from John Glashan and David Murray, executors of Robert Nesbitt, deceased, containing 605 acres, to be equally divided between me and Thomas Yeats according to the valuation of two or more persons appointed by the said parties for that purpose. The land to be under the direction of my executors until my youngest child becomes of age, the land to be divided equally amongst my children or the survivors of them. The profits from the said land and enslaved people in the interim to be appropriated as follows: a house to be built at the Tamarind Tree for the sole use of Frances Porter, my said housekeeper and her children, to cost 拢130; the house at Savanna La Mar to be expended upon it repairs of 拢25[?]. The residue and remainder of the profits to be expended for the benefit of my said children.

To my sister Mary Richey now or lately residing in Ayrshire, North Britain, 拢50 sterling.

It is my wish and desire that two negroes may be purchased, one for each of my daughters Mary and Kate, out of the profits arising from the said mountain land and labour.

To my housekeeper Frances Porter, my grey horse named Billy.

To my executor William Wharton my two mules named Jenny and Jack, also three warches which are ...[?] and the whole of my wearing apparel.

To Robert and David, my two sons, the watches now in use.

To my children, all my household furniture.

To my son David a negro named Jack as his sole property.

Signed 23/05/1802.


Should any doubts arise as to the bequests I have made in my will, it is my desire that the whole of my property be vested in the hands of my executors to be by them appropriated according to the tenor and meaning.

Carpenter and planter

Associated Estates (5)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - → Previous owner
1820 [EA] - → Previous owner
1820 [EA] - → Previous owner
1820 [EA] - → Previous owner
1820 [EA] - → Previous owner

Relationships (8)

Father → Natural Son
Father → Natural Daughter
Father → Natural Son
Extra-marital relationships
Notes →
or possibly...
Grandfather → Grand-daughter
Grandfather → Grand-daughter
Grandfather → Grand-daughter
Grandfather → Grand-daughter