
John Horsford senior

???? - 1795


Father of John Horsford, George Horsford and Paul Horsford (each of whom q.v.).

  1. Will of John Horsford of the Island of Antigua proved 28/01/1796. Under the will he left 拢2500 to his son George now an officer in the 6th Regiment, together with 'the mulatto boy that is now with him at Grenada named Petit'; 拢2000 each to his son Val[entine] and daughter Alicia and Grace; and 拢300 to Dolly Bayley youngest daughter of widow Bayley of Antigua. He provided for the manumission of a 'mulatto woman' Nanny Clark and her two children 'for her great attention and faithful services', and bequeathed his wife an additional 拢200 if Nanny was indeed freed. He defined his 'younger children' as George, Paul, 'Val.' Alicia and Grace; his residuary legatee was his oldest son John.

  2. The will of Christian Horsford widow of the Island of Antigua (made at Bath 25/11/1825) was proved 28/07/1826. In the will she identified herself as the widow of John Horsford. She left her [unspecified] property, real and personal, in Antigua in trust to her sons John Jenkins Horsford and Paul Daxson Horsford and her grandson Robert Marsh Horsford (all of whom q.v. under their first name and surname only) for the benefit of her son Gen. George Horsford and daughter Grace Alice Horsford, who also were left her property in Britain and were her residuary legatees and executors. There was no explanation in the will for her exclusive favouring of George and Grace Alice Horsford.


  1. PROB 11/1270/291.

  2. PROB 11/1714/433.

Further Information

George, John, Paul, Valentine, Alicia, Grace

Relationships (3)

Father → Son
Father → Son
Father → Son