Henry Chaplin

1840 - 29th May 1923

Immediate descendant of a claimant or beneficiary


Henry Chaplin was the son of the Rev. Henry Chaplin (q.v.), claimant on Grenada: 466.

He was MP for (1) Lincolnshire Mid, November 17, 1868 - November 24, 1885, (2) Sleaford November 24, 1885 - January 12, 1906 and (3) Wimbledon May 14, 1907 - April 8, 1916. He was also Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1885 - 1886, President of the Board of Agriculture 1886 - 1892, President of the Board of Local Government 1895 - 1900. Created 1st Viscount Chaplin in 1916; died 29 May 1923.

He inherited wealth from his uncle, Charles Chaplin, formerly MP, and is 'one of the richest commoners in the kingdom'.

An important Conservative politician of the late C19th/early C20th he was, among other things, a protectionist and Unionist.

He was intimately connected with aristocratic circles. In 1876 he married Lady Florence Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, elder daughter of George Granville William Sutherland-Leveson-Gower, third duke of Sutherland. However, she died after the birth of their third child, in 1881. In 1899 his elder daughter, Edith, married Lord Castlereagh, later 7th Marquess of Londonderry.


R. J. Olney, ‘Chaplin, Henry, first Viscount Chaplin (1840–1923)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; , accessed 30 Nov 2012.

Further Information

Lady Florence Sutherland-Leveson-Gower
3 children including Edith

Relationships (2)

Son → Father
Nephew → Uncle

Addresses (2)

Blankney, Lincolnshire, East Midlands, England
Ryhall, Rutland, East Midlands, England