
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Bartlett Professor wins sustainable design prize

27 January 2015

Holcim Awards Murray Fraser

The Bartlett’s Professor Murray Fraser and his colleagues Yara Sharif and Nasser Golzari in the Palestine Regeneration Team (PART) have won a 2014 Holcim Awards Acknowledgement Prize for the adaptation of two derelict buildings in the village of Beit Iksa in the West Bank, close to Jerusalem. Their project, titled 'Adaptive Re-Use: Women's Centre and Playground', involved the conversion of these buildings into working spaces with an eco-kitchen, along with the rehabilitation of surrounding spaces into play areas for children and into allotments/green roofs for agricultural production. The intention of the project is to maximise social impact and self-sufficiency by responding to local technical knowledge and patterns of everyday life, and thereby to develop a new form of sustainable construction. The project was carried out through PART's ongoing collaboration with RIWAQ, a leading Palestinian NGO that carries out architectural/urban conservation work on the ground in the West Bank.

are a prestigious annual global competition for sustainable design which received over 6,000 entries for its 2014 Awards, with prizes amounting to around $650,000 being given out this year.

Murray Fraser is Professor of Architecture and Global Culture and Vice-Dean of research at The Bartlett.