
Institute of Archaeology


Introduction to Greek Archaeology

This module is taught primarily in a lecture format and provides an introduction to the archaeology and material culture of the Greek world from the Bronze Age to Byzantium.


Students will learn about the ecology of the Greek world, the history if its exploration and contemporary approaches to the archaeological record. Major topics of study will include the changing nature of cities and settlements of early Cycladic culture to late antiquity, practices of everyday life (the economy, burial, the archaeology of the theatre, athletics and politics).

At the end of the module students will have:

  • acquired knowledge of the basic aspects of material culture of the Greek world, e.g. topography, chronology, architectural and other physical remains
  • have some familiarity with the history of the subject and modern approaches in the field
  • acquired basic skills in identifying source material and bibliography.

Module information

For registered students

  • Reading list:


  • Runs every year