

香港六合彩中特网 School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)



Please note that due to the volatile situation in Ukraine, not all of these resources may be accessible. We will try to update the list regularly. [04/03/2022]

TV Channels

袪芯褋褋懈褟 1

TV news programmes:

  • 胁 20:00. Previous broadcasts are available on the website.
  • 听 [Broadcast on Saturdays at 8PM]. Archive of the program since 27/03/2021.
  • [Broadcast on Sundays]. Previous broadcasts are available on the website.

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

  • . Previous broadcasts are available on the website.
  • Latest broadcast 27/12/2019.
  • . Archive from 04/04/2021.
  • Previous broadcasts are available on the website.

TV news programmes:

  • [Broadcast at: 11.00; 14.00, Monday 鈥 Sunday].
  • [Broadcast at 20.00, Monday - Friday].

of the programme [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since[Official YouTube channel].

of the programme [Official YouTube channel].锘匡豢

2016 of the programme [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since

Archive of the programme is on Official YouTube channel.

Political talk shows/current affairs/commentary:

of the programme听[Official YouTube channel].

  • 袙芯褋泻褉械褋薪褘泄 胁械褔械褉 褋 袙谢邪写懈屑懈褉芯屑 小芯谢芯胁褜械胁褘屑.

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

  • 袛械泄褋褌胁褍褞褖懈械 谢懈褑邪 褋 袧邪懈谢械泄 袗褋泻械褉-蟹邪写械.

Selection of [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

Archive of the programme since [Official YouTube channel].

袩械褉胁褘泄 泻邪薪邪谢

TV news programmes:

There are four main news broadcasts per day: at 9AM, 12AM, 3PM, 6PM and 9PM (Moscow time).

To see the please access the page and from the calendar select a desired date. Please note that 袩械褉胁褘泄 泻邪薪邪谢 offers a very extensive news archive听 with some TV recordings going back as far as .

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

Selected programmes (since 12 October 2014 till 120/06/2019) are available

Latest broadcasts are available directly at . Archive of the programme since available on official YouTube channel.

English Language version of the programme is available at .

Archive 锘縪f the programme since

Archive of the programme for broadcasts is available on official YouTube channel.锘

锘 Archive of the programme since

锘緼rchive of the programme since

Archival broadcasts for are available on official YouTube channel.

孝袙 笑械薪褌褉

TV news programmes:

  • 小芯斜褘褌懈褟 [Broadcast at: 11.30, 2.30PM, 7.40PM, 10PM].


  • 小芯斜褘褌懈褟. 25-泄 褔邪褋 [Broadcast Monday - Thursday at midnight].


Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

  • 袙 褑械薪褌褉械 褋芯斜褘褌懈泄 褋 袗薪薪芯泄 袩褉芯褏芯褉芯胁芯泄.


Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • 袧邪褕 谐芯褉芯写. 袛懈邪谢芯谐 褋 屑褝褉芯屑 [irregular broadcasts].

Latest broadcast (25/03/2020) and .

  • 袩芯褋褌褋泻褉懈锌褌褍屑 [Broadcast on Saturdays at 9PM].

Latest .

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • 袩褉邪胁芯 谐芯谢芯褋邪.

Latest broadcast (13/07/2019) and .

Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

  • 袩褉邪胁芯 蟹薪邪褌褜! [Broadcast on Saturdays at 22.10].


Archive since [Official YouTube channel].

袨斜褖械褋褌胁械薪薪芯械 孝械谢械胁懈写械薪懈械 袪芯褋褋懈懈

TV news programme

  • 袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 [Broadcast at 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, 19.00, 21.00].

Latest .

  • 袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 小芯胁械褌邪 肖械写械褉邪褑懈懈.

Latest (includes archival broadcasts since 2 February 2015].


TV news programmes:

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

  • 小械谐芯写薪褟 胁 小邪薪泻褌-袩械褌械褉斜褍褉谐械 [Broadcast at 16.15 and 19.20].

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme听 since

  • 听 [Broadcast on Sundays at 19.00].

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme since


TV news programmes:

袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 薪械写械谢懈.

Latest broadcast of the .

袚谢邪胁薪芯械 褋 袨谢褜谐芯泄 袘械谢芯胁芯泄.

Latest broadcast and archive of the programme听 since

Political talk shows/information programmes/current affairs/commentary:

袨褌泻褉褘褌褘泄 褝褎懈褉. 孝芯泻-褕芯褍.

Latest of the programme.

芦袦械卸写褍 褌械屑禄 褋 袧邪褌邪谢懈械泄 袦械褌谢懈薪芯泄:

Latest of the programme.


Latest of the programme.

小械谐芯写薪褟 褍褌褉芯屑.

Latest of the programme.

小谢褍卸褍 袪芯褋褋懈懈!

Latest of the programme.


[Please note that to see the content a subscription is required. Currently 香港六合彩中特网 Library Services do not have a subscription].

袚芯褋褍写邪褉褋褌胁械薪薪邪褟 袛褍屑邪 TV

  • 袩谢械薪邪褉薪褘械 蟹邪褋械写邪薪懈褟.

Latest broadcast and archive since . To see the archival broadcasts, please select tab: "袩谢械薪邪褉薪褘械 蟹邪褋械写邪薪懈褟".

  • 袩褉械写褋械写邪褌械谢褜: Latest since January 2011.
  • 袩邪褉谢邪屑械薪褌褋泻芯械 孝袙 programme.

Latest broadcast and archive since

袩褉械蟹懈写械薪褌 袪芯褋褋懈懈

  • Latest and archive since [Russian version].
  • Latest and archive since [English version].
小芯胁械褌 肖械写械褉邪褑懈懈

  • Latest
  • Official YouTube channel with extensive since
  • Latest recordings and archive of
  • 袧芯胁芯褋褌懈 小芯胁械褌邪 肖械写械褉邪褑懈懈 [via 袨斜褖械褋褌胁械薪薪芯械 孝械谢械胁懈写械薪懈械 袪芯褋褋懈懈]. Latest (includes archival broadcasts since 2 February 2015].