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This PhD research project aims to critique the power of the state and the aesthetics of nationalism.

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Happy and Glorious
Happy and Glorious, Shino Yanai, 2018, video, 8’31”

For the research, I will seek to learn how noise and music in art can release unconscious trauma, and how contemporary society constructs national identity, which I will consider through research into imperialism. My practical work will synthesise the cultural impact of imperialism and the performance method of sound for investigating the idea of a modern nation-state.

Can noise as a dream of our music in art release unconscious trauma? My practice explores performance and the use of sound to address the idea of nationality and the body. The work will expand geopolitical, psychological and musical aspects through research of imperialism and postcolonial culture. Practical work aims to reanimate the past, bringing the viewer into a fresh relationship with historical events.



Primary supervisor: Hayley Newman
Secondary supervisors: Jon Thomson, Sharon Morris, Larne Abse Gogarty