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Photograph of Sutapa Biswas, sitting on a low wooden platform, with roses laid out on either side of her.
Lumen: The Ghosts She Summons, 2021, Sutapa Biswas, 2021, C-type print on Fuji Maxima paper, 85.8 x 129 cm

© Sutapa Biswas. All Rights Reserved DACS 2024

Invisible Murmurs: Mapping Invisibility and Belonging in Contemporary British Art, featuring Sutapa Biswas, Sophia Hinton-Lever, Svetlana Sequeira Costa, Dr Nuria Querol and Linsey Young, takes place on Friday 16 February, 11am - 4:30pm.

Venue: Institute of Advanced Studies, Room G11, IAS Common Ground, South Wing, ϲ

The event is chaired by Bindu Mehra, Artist and PhD researcher, Professor Kristen Kreider, Head of Doctoral programme, ϲ and Dr Marquard Smith, Associate Professor IOE - Culture, Communication & Media, ϲ.

There will be a round-table discussion and Q&A session after the presentations.

For more information, see the Invisible Murmurs event page.