
Reading Recovery Europe


About Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a literacy programme designed for the lowest achieving children aged around six that enables them to reach age-expected levels within 20 weeks.

It involves a short series of daily one-to-one lessons for 30 minutes with a specially trained teacher. Reading Recovery is different for every child, starting from what the child knows and what he/she needs to learn next. The focus of each lesson is to comprehend messages in reading and construct messages in writing, learning how to use letter and word detail fluently without losing focus on meaning and comprehension.

Does Reading Recovery work?

Research shows that Reading Recovery achieves good results that are swift and long lasting.

17 out of 20 children who complete Reading Recovery catch up with their classmates withinÌý20 weeks.Ìý This level of success, evidence based, has been consistent for over 30 years. Find the evidence:

Reading Recovery is recognised as an example of good practice in literacy education

by the following organisations:

What difference does Reading Recovery make?

With Reading Recovery:

• you will be able to identify children with literacy difficulties early and offer a means of resolving them;

• you can be sure that the lowest attaining children will make progress in literacy, with more than four in five succeeding and reaching age-expected levels;

• you will not just narrow the attainment gap for disadvantaged children, you will close it;

• you will see improved opportunities for all pupils, as classes move through the school;

• your Reading Recovery teacher will become a highly skilled literacy expert who can share their knowledge with the whole school staff;

• your Reading Recovery teacher will be able to use detailed diagnostic assessment that will help to determine the learning needs of the few children who need longer term literacy support;

• you will reduce the demand for costly special educational needs provision

teacher and a boy at the Reading Recovery lesson


Reading Recovery teacher training and professional development

teacher and teacher leader working together analysing a text in a book

Teacher leaders

RR teacher leader training and professional development

group of boys working together on a reading project


How to implement Reading Recovery in schools

boy reading a book with his mother


Reading Recovery lessons and how parents can help

Girl writing on a postcard
group of children selecting books in a library