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Zaraby tomb 25 and 26

tomb 25
This is described in the notebook: 'Grave N(orth) to S(outh). Head missing, body on left side in semi-contracted position. hands lying against sides. Traces of a wooden coffin. at N(orth) on E(ast) side 4 jars.'

In the Petrie Museum there is one jar from this tomb: UC 17963

(for the selection of objects in the tomb compare: burial customs)

UC 17963


tomb 26
This is described in the notebook:

'grave N(orth) to S(outh). at South jar with flint flake covering mouth. No trace of body.'

There are four vessels in the Petrie Museum, said to come from this tomb.

Is it possible that the contents of the two tombs were confused ?

UC 17959 UC 17960 UC 17961 UC 17962


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