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Kafr Ammar Tomb 237 (reconstructed plan and cross section)

Date: Ptolemaic (about 200 - 50 BC)

Finds: chaplet, two jars, iron hook, two sandals (not saved), linen (not saved).
Please note: The drawings are made from Petrie's description, not from a tomb card! (click on the objects)

(click on the objects on the tomb plan for further information)

Kafr Ammar tomb 237, plan kaframmartomb237chaplet.html kaframmartomb237ironheap.html Kaframmartomb237jars.html Kafr Ammar tomb 237

Petrie/Mackay 1915: 38 ("The position was straight on back. The body, which was wrapped in a light linen shroud or garment, was laid..."). The reconstruction is not secure, compare a second reconstruction

Measurements of the tomb: 220 x 142 x 134 (depth) cm

Measurements of the cist, in which the body was placed: 185 x 48 x 60 (depth) cm



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