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Memphis: West hall: finds in the foundation

Stelae found in the foundation of the West hall. They come most likely from a temple of Thutmose IV, which was destroyed by Ramesses II, when he built the West hall. They are dating from Thutmose I - Thutmose IV (Sadek 1987: 16-23).

'Ear Stelae'

Ear stelae are typical for the New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC). On each is shown one or several ears. Some of them are uninscribed, others give a short inscription and/or show the dedicator. The god mentioned on the stela is sometimes called sDm nHt -'who hears prayers'. The ear is therefore the ear of the god and should support the attention of the god to people.

(click on the images for a larger picture)

UC 14432, ear stela UC 14433, ear stela
UC 14393, ear stela UC 14394, ear stela UC 14398, ear stela UC 14395, ear stela

On ear stelae:



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