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Persian Period objects from Memphis

Objects inscribed with the name of an Achaemenid Great King

UC 16437
UC 16438
Petrie 1917: pl. LVII.27.2.1
Petrie 1917: pl. LVII.27.2.2

The Palace of Apries

The Palace of Apries seems to have functioned as administrative centre,
perhaps as residence of the satrap (governor) of Egypt.

Aramaic labels
Achaemenid seal impression
Aramaic lable UC 58385, Persian seal impression


Terracottas from Memphis, often identified as 'Persian' horsemen

(click on the images to see a larger picture)

UC 47871, terracotta from Memphis UC 48039,  terracotta from Memphis UC 8457,  terracotta from Memphis UC 8981,  terracotta from Memphis UC 48542,  terracotta from Memphis

UC 49906,  terracotta from Memphis UC 48503,  terracotta from Memphis UC 48462,  terracotta from Memphis UC 48504,  terracotta from Memphis UC 48505,  terracotta from Memphis


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