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Lahun UC 32194 - translation

Account of produce added to an estate revenue, in a sequence of days (date in first part of line), with each addition qualified by an official (name and title in second part of line)

The titles mainly relate to the temple; the designation ‘head of leaders’ seems to denote the person with authority over all potential temple staff (everyone in the four rota groups or ‘watches’).

The remains of the column to the side indicates that the item supplied was grain.

Year 2 month 4 of spring day 10

Additions as produce (of) the adorer [...]
day 20

the assistant [...]

  embalmer [...]
  head of leaders [...]
day 23 offering-maker [...]
day 26 adorer [...]
  calculator of herds Neb[...]
month 1 summer day 3   head of leaders Ha[...]
day 5 given out of [this expenditure]
day 10[+x]    given after [...]
  royal priest Miket
day 13 head of leaders Haankhef
day 15 temple doorkeeper Aneks[y?]
day 18 head of leaders Haankhef
day 20[+x] given out of this expenditure
day 20[+x] royal priest [...]-f
day 29 head of leaders [Ha]ankhef
  given out of [this expenditure]
day 20[+x] adorer [...]
day 3  given out of [this expenditure]
  head of leaders




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