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The royal family at Amarna

Nefertiti, full name: Neferneferuaten Nefertiti

the 'great wife of the king'




UC 2261, wall painting fragment from the palace at Amarna

see depictions of Nefertiti in the Petrie Museum

the/a second wife of Akhenaten

Reeves 1988 (discussing fragment with the name of the queen in the British Museum, mention of the fragments in the Petrie Museum). Kiya had a special titulary: the beloved great wife of the king of Lower and Upper Egypt, living in truth. Year 11 is her last dated appearance; soon after that she might have died (van Dijk 1997: 36)

UC 24283 (Samson 1978: 118-119, pl. 60; click on the picture to see a reconstruction of the inscription)
some other objects with Kiya's name

the oldest daughter: Merytaten

She is often show as first daughter behind Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

UC 401 (Samson 1978: 44, pl. 20) (other objects with her name: UC 589, UC 592)

the second daughter: Meketaten


UC 2287 wall painting fragment with the name, title and filiation of Meketaten (from the name only Maket survived)

the third daughter: Ankhesenpaaten (later Ankhesenamun

The wife of king Tutankhamun

UC 16021, vessel found at Gurob with the names of Tutankhamun and the name of Ankhesamun; other fragment with her name: UC 600

  Nefernefruatentasherit. The fourth daughter. She is not very well attested.
UC 064

Nefernefrure. The fifth daughter. There is a seal impression from Amarna, which mentions her tomb chamber (Khouly/Martin 1987: 8). Therefore it can be assumed that she died early.


UC 064 limestone fragment with part of the name Nefernefrure

  Setepenre. The last daughter. She is not very well attested.
UC 23781 Tutankhaten. A king's son Tutankhaten is mentioned on a block found at Hermopolis. Tutankhaten later became king and his name was then changed to Tutankhamun.
Baketaten. King's daughter with unknown position. She is mentioned on wine dockets (van Dijk 1997: 37)


King at the end of the Amarna period; only known from a few sources. On some monuments he is mentioned together with Merytaten.

Rings Petrie 1894: pl. XV, 103, 104



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