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the tomb of Horwedja

Amulets found on different mummies (click on the images to see a larger picture)

djed pillars

UC 28169 UC 28171i UC 28250 UC 28251


wadj sceptre
UC 28179


wedjat eyes
UC 28203 UC 28198


heart amulets

UC 28205 UC 28204


UC 28206 UC 28210 UC 28211 UC 28212 UC 28213
UC 28214 UC 28215 UC 28216 UC 28217 UC 28218 UC 28256


sun discs and cartouche
UC 28219 UC 28220 UC 28229


tools (square, plummet, writing board)
UC 28225 UC 28221


feathers (of crown ?)


figures of deities
UC 28229
UC28170 UC 28163 UC 28164 UC 28222





UC 28199 UC 28200 UC 28201 UC 28202
UC 28234 UC 28223 UC 28224


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