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Games: Senet

two boards of senet games; unprovenanced (Late Period)

small figures were moved on 30 spaces (3 x 10)

UC 2317, senet game board UC 2317, senet game board
2320, senet game board UC 2320, senet game board
Pusch 1979: no. Br. 80 (UC 2317); no. Br. 81 (UC 2320)

Parts of senet games

(click on the images to see the archaeological context or a larger picture)

limestone board,
date: ?
another senet gaming board in the Petrie Museum
gaming pieces (First Dynasty)
gaming pieces (New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC))
UC 59259 UC 26299 UC 42715, gaming piece found at Abydos UC 45160 UC 59128

gaming pieces (all from senet games ?)
UC 59126 UC 59139 UC 59189 UC 59112

Pusch 1979 (monograph on the senet game; with list of all senet gaming boards so far known)


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