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Fayum Neolithic, Kom K

Some finds

Pots from the pits/silos

UC 2948, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 44, pl. XVI.8, XVIII, 4 (from silo 7)
UC 2948

UC 2949, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: 44, pl. XVI.7 (from silo 47)

A wooden sickle (blades added for modern display)
UC 2936, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XXVIII.1 (from silo 52)
UC 2936


UC 2903, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XXIX.10 (part of a mace head, diorite)
UC 3127, Caton-Thompson/Gardner 1934: pl. XXIX.11 (part of a dolerite vase)
UC 2903 UC 3127


grain rubbers
UC 2958 UC 2959


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