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Denderah (Dendara, Iunet):
Temple, town and cemetery in Upper Egypt
(26°10' N 32°39'E - the modern village)

Denderah was the principal city of the sixth province of Upper Egypt in ancient times, and cult centre of the goddess Hathor. Today it is famous for the well preserved Ptolemaic and Roman Period temple. There are also important remains of the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period, while there are only few remains dating to other periods. In 1898 Petrie excavated parts of the cemetery for the Egypt Exploration Fund.

plan of Denderah

Pottery from two tombs of the late Old Kingdom | Denderah on a map of Egypt | Roman coin hoards | Roman faience amulets | Roman wax amulets

(click on the images to see a larger picture)

Stela UC 14326 (bought at Koptos, but certainly from Denderah) - Second Intermediate Period
UC 14296
UC 14541
UC 14326
Stewart 1979: 21, no. 88
Petrie 1900a: pl. XII (bottom)



Distribution of finds of Petrie's excavations from Denderah



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