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Ptolemy (VIII) Euergetes Tryphon (Ptolemaios VIII) 170-164/3, 145-116 BC

From 170 BC Ptolemy VIII joined in coregency with his brother Ptolemy VI and their sister, the remarkable Cleopatra II (not to be confused with the more famous Cleopatra VII). In 168 BC Lower Egypt was overrun by the forces of the Seleucid king Antiochus IV, from Syria, and the Ptolemaic dynasty might have been brought to its end, had not Rome intervened to make the Seleucid king withdraw: this is a decisive turning-point in Egyptian history, with Egypt now brought within the Roman sphere of power. Struggles between the brother kings forced first Ptolemy VI into exile in Cyprus, then Ptolemy VIII into exile in Cyrenaica: when Ptolemy VI died in battle, Ptolemy VIII was able to return to rule alone. However, dynastic strife continued, with a civil war between Ptolemy VIII and Cleopatra II in 132-124 BC.

Horus name: Hunuheken-khentemankhefhernesetitef Mar-zepu Djesermesehauefhenahepankh
Nebty name: Seheruibtawy
Golden Falcon name: Werpehti Nebhabusedmiitefptahtatjenenitnetjeru Itymire
Prenomen: Juaennetjerwyperwy Setepenptah Irmaatre Sekhemankhenamun
Nomen: Ptolemaios (ankhdjet-meryptah)

Burial place: Alexandria

Attestation in the Petrie Museum:

UC 47632

caricature of the king ?

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Further Attestations:



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