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New Kingdom art (about 1550-1069 BC): sculpture

Sculpture was mainly placed in temples or tombs. Some small scale sculpture has been found in houses. The sculpture of the first half of the 18th Dynasty is similar to that of the Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC).

Several new types of statuary were introduced.

Stelophorous - The image (almost always a single male, but at least one instance a couple, with hands raised in adoration) is combined with a stela, inscribed with a hymn to the sun-god. Such statues were often placed over the entrance of Theban tomb chapels, sometimes incorporated into a pyramidion.
Naophorous - The image (always male - here a block statue) is combined with a shrine (Greek naos 'shrine', phorein 'bear').

The Amarna period is rich in royal sculpture: there are only a few statues of private individuals dating to that time. The sculpture of the time shortly before and after the Amarna period is especially fine and of high quality. Sculpture of the Ramesside period can be larger in size, but often not no longer so fine.

Royal sculpture of the New Kingdom
Amarna: sculpture
Private sculpture
UC 16486


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