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New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC) art: private sculpture

(click on the images for larger pictures)

Early 18th Dynasty - Ahmose - Hatshepsut

Sculpture is often rather small in scale, and seems to follow prototypes of the Old and Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC).

UC 15517
UC 14654
UC 14801
UC 14811
UC 16455
UC 14656
UC 14351
UC 15517
UC 14654
UC 14801
UC 14811
UC 16455
UC 14656
UC 14351


Mid 18th Dynasty - Thutmose III - Amenhotep II

The sculpture is in general larger in scale. There is the development of new statue types (e.g. stelophorous).

UC 16677
UC 10713
UC 16452
UC 20530
a stelophorus made in clay; from Thebes
Page 1976: 84, no. 92
Page 1976: 84, no. 92
Page 1976: no. 64
Page 1976: no. 65

UC 16672
UC 8446
UC 14640
UC 14655
UC 15513
UC 16672
UC 8446
UC 14640 UC 14655
UC 15513
Page 1976: 69, no. 73
part of a statue of the vizier Rekhmira
other view (the back, with a modern inscription)
Stewart 1983: 29, no. 106
Page 1976: no. 75


Late 18th Dynasty - Amenhotep III and post-Amarna Period

Sculpture reaches exceptionally high standards. Amarna private sculpture is rarey attested: the few examples follow the depiction of the king.

UC 14632
UC 15519
UC 14306
UC 15105
UC 14880
UC 16662
UC 16614
UC 8710
UC 14632
UC 15519
UC 14306
UC 15106
UC 14880
UC 16662
UC 8710
from Bubastis, datable under Amenhotep III
from Sinai
Page 1976: 74, no. 78
Page 1976: 73, no. 77
date: late 18th Dynasty
date: late 18th Dynasty
Page 1976: 82, no. 89
Page 1976: 75, no. 79


Ramesside Period

Sculpture is sometimes on a great scale, but the workmanship can be quite rough.

UC 14641
UC 8694
UC 16878
UC 16883
UC 16663
UC 14643
UC 14641
UC 8694
UC 16878
UC 16883
UC 16663
UC 14643
from Abydos
Page 1976: 84-85, no. 93
Page 1976: 91-92, no. 102
Page 1976: 91, no. 101
from Abydos
Page 1976: 90, no. 99
UC 8739
UC 14701
UC 14636
UC 8739
UC 14701
UC 14636
(dated under Ramesses II)
Page 1976: 119, no. 165
the mayor of the southern city Paser
Page 1976: 119, no. 166



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