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Amarna: Decorations, mainly from the palace

stone inlays for wall decorations: a reconstruction
UC 009 UC 122 UC 123 UC 128 UC 101 UC 103
Inlays, exact function unknown, maybe for furniture
UC 284 UC 226 UC 22077 UC 22078 UC 23205 UC 250, bird neck, red granite
Inlays, mainly from hieroglyphic inscriptions (compare the plaster in which it was placed)
UC 289, 'xa' -sign UC 286 UC 316 UC 307 UC 281 UC 288
faience (and stone) tiles; from wall decorations (?), also UC 259 of basalt
UC 259 UC 459 UC 789 UC 411 UC 907 UC 885



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