
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Seton-Watson Collection - SEW/7/3/1-SEW/7/3/5 piece descriptions

SEW/7/3/1 - Legal action taken against Hussein, Fratelli and Fanni of Durazzo (1920-1925)

Previous number: part of box 16

Contents: correspondence re legal action between the SRF and the firm of Hussein, Fratelli and Fanni of Durazzo. The case dated back a purchase of food supplies for refugees by the SRF from the company in 1916 and wartime difficulties in transferring gold or sterling out of Britain for payment.

(Languages) English & Italian

1 envelope

SEW/7/3/2 - Serbian decorations awarded to SRF workers (1923-1927)

Previous number: part of box 16

Contents: correspondence re Serbian decorations awarded to SRF workers and difficulties and delays in presenting decorations

(Languages) English

1 envelope

SEW/7/3/3 - Financial and legal matters outstanding after winding up of SRF (1921-1924)

Previous number: part of box 16

Contents: correspondence re financial and legal matters outstanding after the wind up of the SRF, notably legal action taken between the SRF and the Bulgarian Red Cross. This claim resulted from unpaid loans made by the Bulgarian Red Cross to Lady Leila Paget's mission. Also contains discussion and plans for the use of SRF funds after the organisation's wind-up.

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

1 envelope

SEW/7/3/4 - Financial and legal matters outstanding after winding up of SRF (1922-1925)

Previous number: part of box 16

Contents: correspondence re financial and legal matters outstanding after the wind up of the SRF, notably legal action taken between the SRF and the Bulgarian Red Cross. This claim resulted from unpaid loans made by the Bulgarian Red Cross to Lady Leila Paget's mission. Also contains discussion and plans for the use of SRF funds after the organisation's wind-up.

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

1 envelope

SEW/7/3/5 - Newscuttings re Serbia and SRF (1915-1917)

Previous number: part of box 16

Contents: newscuttings re Serbia and SRF from mostly British newspapers

(Languages) English & (small amount) French

1 envelope

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