
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Seton-Watson Collection - SEW/14/1/1-SEW/14/1/4 piece descriptions

SEW/14/1/1 - Hungary, papers and correspondence (1939-1945)

Previous number: part of box 38

Content: papers and correspondence re Hungarian affairs in the Second World War. Most of the papers are unsigned but the authors are probably RWSW's colleagues at the Foreign and Research Press Service or Political Intelligence Department, including:

(Languages) English

1 folder

SEW/14/1/2 - Romania, papers (1939-1945)

Previous number: part of box 38

Content: papers re Romanian affairs in the Second World War, including:

(Languages) English & French & Romanian

1 folder

SEW/14/1/3 - Romania, papers (circa) (1939-1945) (circa)

Previous number: part of box 38

Content: papers (mainly undated) by RWSW and otheres re Romanian affairs in the Second World War, including:

(Languages) English & French & Romanian

1 folder

SEW/14/1/4 - Romania, correspondence (1938-1944)

Previous number: part of box 38

Content: correspondence re Romanian affairs in the Second World War, including from V Cornea (1939-1941), D G Matescu of the Romanian Legation in London (1939-1943), David Mitrany (1941), RWSW's son Hugh Seton-Watson in Yugoslavia and Romania (1939-1940), Pavel Pavel (1941), J K Peel (1938-1943), Vesile Strica (1941) and Viorel Tilea (1941-1944)

(Languages) English & French

1 folder

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