
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) Library, University College London

Catalogue of Brasova Collection

BRS/1 - Album entitled "Gatchina 1909"

Contents: photograph album entitled "Gatchina 1909" and containing photographs taken at the military garrison town of Gatchina near St Petersburg where the Grand Duke was stationed as commander in chief of the Blue Cuirassiers Regiment

1 volume

BRS/2 - Album entitled "III 15 June-10 September 1909"

Contents: photograph album entitled "III 15 June-10 September 1909" and containing photographs of the Grand Duke with his regiment and also photographs taken in the Swiss resort of Chexbres where Brasova had gone to stay to escape the scandal in Gatchina of her affair with the Grand Duke

1 volume

BRS/3 - Album entitled "IV Orel-Moscow Autumn-Winter 1909/1910"

Contents: photograph album entitled "IV Orel-Moscow Autumn-Winter 1909/1910" and containing photographs taken in Moscow where Brasova took a house on her return from her stay in Switzerland in 1909 and the house in the Orel countryside which the Grand Duke and Brasova rented in early 1910

1 volume

BRS/4 - Album entitled "V Spring-Summer 1910"

Contents: photograph album entitled "Spring-Summer 1910" and containing photographs taken at the Grand Duke and Brasova's house in the Orel countryside where their son George was born in August 1910

1 volume

BRS/5 - Album entitled "VI Travels Abroad Autumn 1910"

Contents: photograph album entitled "VI Travels Abroad Autumn 1910" and containing photographs taken of a holiday to Italy including Venice and Pisa by the Grand Duke and Brasova

1 volume

BRS/6 - Album entitled "IX Brasovo - Moscow Spring 1911"

Contents: photograph album entitled "IX Brasovo - Moscow Spring 1911" and containing photographs taken in Brasovo, where the Grand Duke owned an estate and in Moscow

1 volume

BRS/7 - Album entitled "X Brasovo May June" (1911)

Contents: photograph album entitled "X Brasovo May June" and containing photographs taken at the Grand Duke's estate at Brasovo

1 volume

BRS/8 - Album entitled "XI Brasovo July-September, Kissinien August" (1911)

Contents: photograph album entitled "XI Brasovo July-September, Kissinien August" and containing photographs taken at the Grand Duke's estate at Brasovo and possibly at ?Kissinien

1 volume

BRS/9 - Album entitled "XII Travels Abroad Autumn year 1911"

Contents: photograph album entitled "XII Travels Abroad Autumn year 1911" and containing photographs taken in St Petersburg where the Grand Duke and Brasova rented an apartment that autumn and of their Christmas celebrations. The album also contains photographs of their travels in Western Europe which included visits to Paris and the South of France. It was probably during this holiday that the Grand Duke and Brasova were secretly married in Vienna.

1 volume

BRS/10 - Album entitled "XIV Summer year 1912 Gatchina"

Contents: photograph album entitled "XIV Summer year 1912 Gatchina" and containing photographs taken at the Grand Duke and Brasova's home in the military garrison town of Gatchina near St Petersburg. Although the title of this album dates it to summer 1912, in fact the Grand Duke and Brasova were banished from Russia in early 1912 by the Tsar in disaproval of their marriage and these photographs could not have been taken after Easter 1912

1 volume

BRS/11 - Album entitled "XV Summer year 1912 Gatchina"

Contents: photograph album entitled "XV Summer year 1912 Gatchina" and containing photographs taken at the Grand Duke and Brasova's home in the military garrison town of Gatchina near St Petersburg. Although the title of this album dates it to summer 1912, in fact the Grand Duke and Brasova were banished from Russia by the Tsar in early 1912 in disaproval of their marriage and these photographs could not have been taken after Easter 1912

1 volume

BRS/12 - Album numbered "XVI" (1912-1913)

Contents: photograph album numbered "XVI" but otherwise untitled and containing photographs taken during the Grand Duke and Brasova's period (1912-1914) of banishment from Russia. During this period their home was in Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England. Album includes photographs taken in Berlin, Venice, Rome, Cannes and Monte Carlo.

1 volume

BRS/13 - Album numbered "XVII" (1913)

Contents: photograph album numbered "XVII" but otherwise untitled and containing photographs taken during the Grand Duke and Brasova's period (1912-1914) of banishment from Russia. During this period their home was in Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England. Album includes photographs taken in Cannes and Geneva.

1 volume

BRS/14 - Untitled and unnumbered album (1913)

Contents: untitled and unnumbered small photograph album containing photographs taken in Western Europe during the Grand Duke and Brasova's period (1912-1914) of banishment from Russia. During this period their home was in Knebworth, Hertfordshire, England. Album comprises photographs taken in Cannes and Chexbres, South of France.

1 volume

BRS/15 - Appointment diary and assorted papers (1897-1922)

Contents: appointment diary, presumably Brasova's for the year 1909 (only used until September) and other assorted papers comprising a photograph of a castle captioned "Nyslott", receipt from Harrods Banking Department, 1922 and unidentified document, 1897

(Languages) English & Russian

1 envelope

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