
William Joseph Denison

MP (Whig)


Camelford dates (months) are approximate. Years are correct.

On advice of George Rose, MP and Pittite minister, Denison entered parliament for Camelford in 1796. Unsuccessfully contested Hull, 1802; elected 1806, failed to stand in 1807 election. Elected for Surrey in 1818-1832 then after the Reform Act, Surrey West, until his death. Denison a staunch Whig (even though a Pittite had recommended he stand for Parliament). Member of Brooks's Club from 1797; spoke regularly on behalf of the Whig opposition. A strong supporter of parliamentary reform from 1797 onwards but opposed to the repeal of the corn laws in 1846. A founder of the Reform Club.

Source: W. D. Rubinstein, entry in the Oxford DNB.

Elections / Constituences

Camelford Cornwall
1796 - 1802 
Hull (Kingston-upon-Hull) Yorkshire
1806 - 1807 
Surrey Surrey
1818 - 1832 
Surrey Western Surrey
1832 - 1849