
John Brathwaite Esq.


The Brathwaite Memorial

St Martins' Church, Epsom (Surrey)

Built 1st Jan 1801


Memorial to John Brathwaite in St Martin's Church, Epsom, designed by John Flaxman at the cost of 180 guineas in 1801. The inscription reportedly reads: 'Sacred to the Memory of JOHN BRATHWAITE ESQ., the course of whose whole life exhibited a singular and uniform pattern of universal benevolence for his only object was to do good. The rectitude of his mind corresponded with the purity of his heart; correct in the conception of every religious and moral duty, he was steady in the practice of them. In every situation and under all circumstances he was invariably the same man, an affectionate relation, a sincere friend, a pious Christian, mild in judging, just and generous to all, moderate only in those gratifications which respected himself. The virtuous energies of his mind comprehended all those humanities and sympathies of which our nature in its best state is susceptible. Born in the island of Barbadoes, he was warmly attached to that island, which he served in a public character, and which he loved as a father. He lived, beloved and respected, revered. He died the 21st of September, 1800, in the 78th year of his age, lamented by all who had the advantage and happiness of knowing him. Such was the man whose virtues this marble attempts thus imperfectly to record. It was erected by the directions of three nieces as a tribute to the memory of a most dear relation, whose living they loved and honoured, and whose death they will never cease to deplore, consoling themselves at the same time with the full assurance that he is removed to a blessed immortality where righteousness will have its reward.(Flaxman)'

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Further Information

John Flaxman
Current owner
Not known