
John Tollemache (formerly Halliday)

Country house

Peckforton Castle, Cheshire


Built 1st Jan 1851 | Occupied 1st Jan 1851 - 1st Sep 1939


Fortified home in the style of a medieval castle.

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1840: John Tollemache bought/inherited 36,000 acres of land which included the villages of Peckforton and Beeston. (Tollemache ancestral home in Helmingham, Suffolk.) Work commenced in 1842; completed 1851. Architect Anthony Salvin also responsible for various other castles in late C19th. 听

Tollemache family continued to live in the house until 1939.

By 2010 had become an hotel.

For notes on the history see hotel website.

Further Information

Anthony Salvin
Current owner
Private - hotel