
Rev. John Thomas Trevelyan

1799 - 1844

Claimant or beneficiary


Son of George Trevelyan and Harriet Neave. Awarded with other family members the compensation for six awards in Grenada (he was given as John Thomas Trevelyan).

  1. Son of George of Nettlecombe. Matriculated St Mary Hall 05/12/1822 aged 23; BA 1826; 聽MA 1829; vicar of Milverton Somerset 1825 until his death 16/08/1844.

  2. In a letter dated 01/07/1828 to an associate in Taunton, Somerset, the Reverend John Thomas Trevelyan writes: "You will be glad to hear that all proceeds of West Indies up to April 1828 have been appropriated for the payment of my sisters legacies [from Trevelyan's late father]." The letter instructs the associate to "pray pay the legacies if you have not done it." In this letter was enclosed another letter, dated 09/06/1828, received by Trevelyan earlier that year from a George Bedford, who believed he also had a claim to the legacy. Bedford describes "a sum of 拢1200 which I understand from your late father the Archdeacon and his sister Miss Louisa Trevelyan was entitled to at the death of her father the late Sir John Trevelyan and under Miss Trevelyan鈥檚 will I apprehend yourself, brothers and sisters are now entitled [...] Your brother Mr Charles Edward having attained 21 must now have his share of his aunt's property transferred and paid to him and I presume the 拢1200 should now also be paid among you."

We are grateful to Marc Oxley for his assistance in compiling this entry.


T71/880 Grenada nos. 435 (Beausejour); 445 (Tempe), 760, 771 (Simon[d]), 857 (Requin) and 860 (Sagesse).

  1., Oxford University Alumni, 1500-1886 [database online]. The 'John Thomas Trevelyan' whose death is shown in FreeUKGen, England and Wales Free BMD Database, Deaths, 1837-1983 [database online] as registered in 1838 at Kensington was in fact a James Thomas Trevelyan.

  2. Letter from the Reverend John Thomas Trevelyan dated 01/07/1828, and enclosed letter from George Bedford to John Thomas Trevelyan dated 09/06/1828, collection of Marc Oxley PHS.

Further Information

Oxford (St Mary Hall) [1822-26 ]
Church of England

Associated Claims (6)

£4,499 16s 1d
£356 1s 3d
£4,195 6s 10d
£5,552 10s 4d
£5,844 18s 8d
£6,543 5s 11d

Relationships (3)

Notes →
Tentatively inferred by...
Son → Father
Son → Mother

Addresses (1)

Milverton, Somerset, South-west England, England