
Thomas Jones

No Dates

Claimant or beneficiary


Party to the chancery suit of Frances Dickenson v Thomas Jones and William Cook, into which was paid the compensation for the Barton estate in St Elizabeth Jamaica. From the description of Jones and Cook as 'mercantile gentlemen' and 'consignees' the two were merchants in Britain.

  1. Thomas Jones was an executor to the will of Vickris Dickinson (1718-1797), the father of Frances Dickinson. From the will of Vickris Dickinson: "10 Nov 1796... I give and devise unto Thomas Harris the younger of Bristol, Thomas Jones of Bristol Gentleman, and James Sutton of Bristol Cooper all my estates plantations pens messuages tenements lands and heriditaments whatsoever situate and being in the Island of Jamaica together with all and every my Negroes horses mules beasts and cattle of every kind whatsoever and belonging thereto with their future offspring increase and progeny and also all works copper stills knives utensils implements and all other live and dead stock properties and things privileges emoluments advantages and appurtenances of every sort and kind which shall belong thereto or used or enjoyed therewith and which shall belong thereto and be used and enjoyed therewith at my death all which now art under the management of John White and William Webb my present attorneys or agents over the same be used for trusts herein mentioned... for and during the natural lives of my three children Caleb Dickinson (1/2 part), Charles Dickinson (1/4 part ), Mary Creswicke (1/12 part) wife of Henry Creswicke Esquire, and the remaining (1/6 part share and share alike) to my two grandsons Henry Creswicke and Humphrey Creswicke when they are 25.


St Elizabeth no. 396; T71/1608 letter from Jennings & Bolton: Miss Frances Dickinson is the owner of Barton Estate, tenant in tail in possession is an infant and a ward of court of Chancery in a suit instituted to protect her property during her infancy. Daly is the manager of estate in Jamaica, and the two mercantile gentlemen [i.e. Thomas Jones and William Cooke] are consignees.

  1. PROB 11/1292.

We are grateful to Sandra Adams for her assistance in compiling this entry.

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£3,852 15s 0d

Addresses (1)

Bristol, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England