
Hanbury Saunders Pestell

???? - 1748


Major slave-owner in Jamaica. Died c. 1748.

  1. Son of Thomas Pestell and his wife Elizabeth nee Saunders who married in St Catherine, Jamaica, in 1716.

  2. Hanbury Sa. Pestell of St Andrew, planter. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1750. Slave-ownership at probate: 78 of whom 35 were listed as male and 43 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: 拢2622.13 Jamaican currency of which 拢2430 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included 拢0 currency cash, 拢0 currency debts and 拢0 currency plate.

  3. The will of Hanby Saunders Pestell was proved in Jamaica in 1748.

  4. 02/07/1761: "Reference of the committee to the petition of Edmund Hyde, Esquire, of Jamaica for a day of hearing his appeal from a Chancery order of 14/12/1759 on a bill filed against him and Francis Gale by Foster March for an account of the estate of Hanbury Sanders Pestell deceased ... Pestell left his estates to his mother for life and thereafter several specific legacies to Hyde, and the residue to his cousin William Sanders. Hyde and Gale were his executors. March claimed under the will of William Sanders, who is dead."

We are grateful to Kenneth Pestell for providing us with his transcription of the will of Hanbury Saunders Pestell.


  1. See separate entry for Thomas Pestell.

  2. Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

  3. Vere Langford Oliver, Caribbeana being miscellaneous papers relating to the history, genealogy, topography, and antiquities of the British West Indies (6 vols., London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke, 1910-1919) vol. 2 p. 160.

  4. Acts of the Privy Council of England: Colonial Series vol. IV (1911) pp. 465-466.

Further Information


Transcript of the Will of Hanbury Saunders Pestell of St Andrew, Jamaica Will dated 8th May 1749 Proven 21st December 1749

In the Name of God Amen I Hanbury Saunders Pestell of the Parish of St Andrew in the said Island Gentn. Being at Present Indisposed in Body but of sound mind memory and understanding, Praised be God for the same, but considering the uncertain Continuance of Life and the uncertainty of death and the many Hazards and Dangers it is liable to, and being desirous to leave that Small Estate and Fortune which the almighty hath been pleased to Bless me with in as much pease and union as many, and that nothing of this Transitory World or The Intanglements thereof might Incumber any thoughts at my going out of it do make and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say, First and Principally I recommend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping and assuredly believing thro' the alone Merits Death and Passion of my Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain free Pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins and to have a joyful Resurrection to Life Eternal in Heaven and Body I commit to the Ground to be Decently Interred at the Discretion of my Executors hereinafter named Imprimis I will and desire that all my just debts and Funeral Expenses shall be fully paid and satisfied Item I give devise and Bequeath unto my beloved Mother Elizabeth Pestell of the Parish of St Andrew aforesaid Widow all my Estate both Real and Personal of what nature or kind so ever within this Island or Elsewhere Except the Negroe Slaves hereafter Manumized and sett free for and during the term of her natural Life and immediately after her decease. I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved Friend Edmund Hyde of the Parish of St Andrew aforesaid Esquire and his heirs for ever all that piece or Parcel of Land Situate lying and being in the Parish of St John in the said Island Containing by Estimation Fifty acres (be) the same more or less abutting and Bounding now or lately Northerly on the Road and George Bennett Easterly on the Road to John Brown westerly on Messrs Pestell and Fallon and Southerly on Barrow Harris deceased together with all Houses outhouses Edifices Erections and Buildings thereon Erected and built which said land is now Leased to and in the Tenure and occupation of William Patrick Brown Item I give devise and Bequeath unto the said Edmund Hyde and his heirs for ever all that Footland Situate Lying and being in the Town and Parish of Kingston together with the Three Houses now thereon Erected and Built being part of the Two Lotts of Land aButting and Bounding West on King street Sixty Six feet and Eight Inches from Tower Street to the Northward North on part of a Lott of land formerly of James Fortescue Seventy five feet East Sixteen (feet - missing word) and Eight Inches on part of the said Lott of Land formerly of James Fortesque and Fifty Feet on Moses (Sauregs) South on Tower Street from King Street Thirty Seven feet and Six Inches to the Eastward on which said Footland is Erected and Built Three Houses or Tenements with other Buildings now in the Tenure or occupation of William Baxton and Moses Lopez Henriques under a Lease for twelve Years Item I give devise and Bequeath unto the said Edmund Hyde and his heirs for ever all those negroes or other slaves Named following, to wit Jack Acton Hanna Cuba and her two Children Jason and Peggy together with the Future Issue and Increase of the Female Slaves unto the said Edmund Hyde and his Heirs for ever Item I give devise and Bequeath all the horses, Mares Goats Sheep and other Stock that I may have at the time of my decease unto the said Edmund Hyde and his heirs for ever Item I do hereby manumize and Enfranchise and for ever Sett free of and from all and all manner of Servitude and Slavery whatsoever my negroe named Peregrine and my negro Woman slave named Myrtilla with her future Issue and Increase And I do hereby ordain and direct my Executors hereinafter Named to pay and allow the said Negro Named Peregrine Yearly and every Year during the Term of his natural Life the sum of Ten pounds current money of Jamaica to be paid him out of my Estate Item I do hereby subject and make Liable all my Estate both real and Personal for the payment of my just debts and Legacys herein before mentioned Item All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my Estate I give devise and Bequeath unto my Beloved Cousin William Sanders of the Parish of St Katherine Gentleman to him and his heirs forever Item I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appoint my Good Friend the Honourable Edmund Hyde of the Parish of St Andrew Esquire and Francis Gale of the same Parish Gentleman Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby Revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my Hand and Seal this Eight day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty nine.

Hanbury Sanders Pestell (Sd)

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his Request have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses

Edmund Augustus Hay
Jacob Beckson Joseph Diamond

Memorandum this 21st December 1749 personally came and appeared before me Edmund Augustus Hay and made oath upon the Holy Evangelists that he was present and did see Hanbury Sanders Pestell the Testator within above mentioned being then of sound mind & memory sign seal publish and declare the within and above written Instrument to be his last Will and Testament and that at the same time Jacob Beckson and Joseph Diamond were also present & together with him subscribed their names as witnesses to the same in the presence of the said Testator and further that he knows nothing of any other Will since made by the said Testator which may tend to the disadvantage of the will within and above written.

Edw. Trelawny

Transcribed from a record held in the Island Record Office of Jamaica, No. RGO/SP Tw Liber 27 Fol. 89

Kenneth Pestell 2012.

Relationships (4)

Testator → Executor
Testator → Executor
Son → Father
Son → Mother

Inventories (1)