
Henry Bromfield

???? - 1837

Claimant or beneficiary


Counterclaimed as one among other assignees of the Boston merchants Burrell Carnes (q.v.) and Edward Carnes for the compensation for the Spring Garden plantation in British Guiana.

  1. Will of Henry Bromfield gentleman of Cheltenham Gloucestershire proved 07/03/1837. In the will he left monetary legacies to family members and to charities, and his residual estate to the children of his two sisters, Sarah Parson and Elizabeth Rogers.

  2. 'Lately, Henry Bromfield,esq. In addition to numberless acts of charity performed during his lifetime, he has bequeathed to the trustees of Cheltenham Chapel 200l; and to each of the undermentioned Institutions, 100l.: - Cheltenham Dispensary, Female Orphan Asylum, Infants' School, Benevolent Society, Union School, London Missionary Society, British and Foreign Bible Society, Naval and Military Bible Society, Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, Hibernian Society, Religious Tract Society, Gloucester Magdalen Asylum.'

  3. Henry Bromfield was reportedly the son of Henry Bromfield (c. 1728-1820) of the US. Henry Bromfield the son was born c. 1751, visited England in 1768 and then settled in London in 1787 as a merchant, before retiring to Cheltenham in 1812.


T71/1259 gives 'Henry Bloomfield [sic] of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire'

  1. PROB 11/1873/456

  2. Gentleman's Magazine Vol. 161 (April 1837), p. 445. The entry follows immediately after other death notices with dates in February 1837].

  3. D.D. Slade, The Bromfields pp. 16-17.

Further Information


One of his executors was William Harrison of Strachan Place, Balls Pond Road; another was Roderick Paul surgeon of Cheltenham.


Associated Claims (1)

£3,421 16s 4d
Unsuccessful claimant (Assignee)

Addresses (2)

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England
8 Montpellier Terrace, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England