
Euphemia Hart

8th Mar 1807 - 3rd Feb 1890

Claimant or beneficiary


  1. Euphemia Hart, a child of colour born 08/03/1807 and baptised in St Elizabeth, Jamaica, 28/01/1816. Presumably the sister of Andrew Hart, born 14/11/1811 and baptised in St Elizabeth the same day as Euphemia.

  2. Julia Frederica Hendriks (age 3 years, 5 months and 12 days) and Ann Hendriks (16 months of age), both "white by law", children of Frederick Hendriks and Euphemia Hart (not married) of Mountain Side were baptised in St Elizabeth 02/07/1829. Samuel Augustus Hendricks, same parents, was born 08/11/1830. Further children: Abraham John Hendriks (baptised 1836), Mary Elizabeth Hendriks (1839), Albert Theophilus (1841) and possibly Sarah Ann Hendriks (1855).

  3. Frederic Hendricks and Euphemia Hart, of Retirement, were married by licence 19/02/1841 in St Elizabeth.

  4. Euphemia Hendriks, widow of Frederick Hendriks, shopkeeper, died 03/02/1890 in St Elizabeth. The informant was Abraham Hendriks.


  1., Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online].

  2. Ibid.

  3. Ibid.

  4., Jamaica, Civil Registration, 1880-1999 [database online].

We are grateful to David Barker for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Frederick Hendriks
Julia Frederica, Ann, Samuel Augustus, Abraham John, Mary Elizabeth, Albert Theophilus

Will transcribed at .

This is the Last Will and Testament of me Euphemia Hendriks of Black River in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth in this Island widow. I give and bequeath unto Anne Isaacs of The Pavilion in the Parish of Manchester Widow the sum of Fifty Pounds unto my Daughter Julia Frederica Myers of Black River aforesaid Widow the like sum of Fifty Pounds unto my other Daughter Mary Elizabeth Thomson of Black River aforesaid Widow the like sum of Fifty Pounds unto Ada Washington Hendriks (the daughter of Albert Theophilus Hendriks late of New York) the sum of Twenty Five Pounds unto Samuel Joseph Adair Stewart the eldest son of my Grand Daughter Florence Euphemia Stewart of the parish of Manchester the sum of Twenty Five Pounds unto my Sister Sarah Bravo Twenty Pounds unto my Son Abraham John Hendriks and my Daughter Sarah Ann Wheatle the sum of Fifty Pounds to be by them expended? in and about the repairs of the dwelling in the High Street Black River now occupied by me. I also give and bequeath unto my said Son Abraham John Hendriks the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds upon trust nevertheless for the support and maintenance of my said Daughter Sarah Ann Wheatle and for the maintenance and education of her two daughters Mary Euphemia Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle and in case the said Sarah Ann Wheatle shall die before the youngest of them the said Mary Euphemia Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle shall have attained her majority then during her minority to apply such portions of the said sum as he may think for the education maintenance and advancement in life of them the said Mary Euphemia Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle and immediately as the youngest of them the said Mary Euphemia Wheatle Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle attaining the age of Twenty one years or the said Sarah Ann Wheatle dying whichever shall first happen. To transfer or pay over to each of them the said Mary Euphemia Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle as their separate property freed from the Trusts aforesaid one equal moiety of the surplus (if any) of the said sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds or in case either of them shall have previously died to pay the whole of the residue of such Trust money to the survivor of them Provided that the said Abraham John Hendriks may at any time during the subsistence of the Trusts aforesaid upon the written request of the said Sarah Ann Wheatle pay pay to her a sum of money out of and in reduction of the said principal Trust moneys not exceeding in the whole Three Hundred Pounds. I give and devise unto my Daughter Julia Frederica Myers the small house in the Logwoods Black River adjoining "Myrtle Villa" with the lands thereto to hold the same unto the use of the said Julia Frederica Myers for life and after her death to the use of the said Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle her heirs and assigns as her separate estate All the Rest Residue and Remainder of my estate whatsoever and wheresoever both that and personal? I give and bequeath unto the said Mary Euphemia Wheatle and Annie Isabell Wheatle Wheatle their heirs Executors and Administrators according to the respective natures and qualities thereof And I hereby appoint my said Son Abraham John Hendriks the sole Executor and Trustee of this my Will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Tenth Day of March Annio Domini One thousand eight hundred and eighty five. Signed and acknowledged by the above named Testatrix as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as witnesses. The word Julia having? been first inserted on the first page thereof.

Her Euphemia Hendriks X mark J. Thomson Palache. A. J. U. Hendriks

This is the Last Will and Testament of Euphemia Hendriks late of Black River in the parish of Saint Elizabeth in this Island thereof referred to in the affidavit of Abraham John Hendriks the Executor as thereunto assessed. Dated the 13th day of June 1890 A J Hendriks ?? Farquharson J.P. St. Elizabeth

Associated Claims (1)

£32 2s 1d

Relationships (1)

Wife → Husband