
Charles Horsfall & Sons

Firm Details

People & Investments (1)

 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (6)

1 Exchange Buildings []
1851 →
1 Exchange Buildings [Gore's Directory of Liverpool]
1862 →
1 Exchange Buildings [Gore's Directory of Liverpool]
1870 →
17 James Street [Gore's Directory of Liverpool]
1871 →
17 James Street [Gore's Directory of Liverpool]
1872 →
17 James Street [Gore's Directory of Liverpool]


  1. Partnership between George Bainbridge and Charles Horsfall of Liverpool dissolved 31 ult. (i.e. December 31 1812)

  2. Not clear when Charles Horsfall and Sons was founded but probably 1820-30. Gore鈥檚 1824 Directory, business address given as Horsfall Charles & Co. merchts. & ship owners at 1, Exchange Buildings.

  3. Directory entries for 1851-1872 have been derived from the Mercantile Liverpool project database. We are grateful to W.R. Lee and Adrian Jarvis for sight of their database.


  1. London Gazette 16696 19/1/1813 p. 170

  2. 1824 Baines' Liverpool Name Directory: