
Higgin Whiteley

Firm Details

People & Investments (4)

 Name partner
 Name partner

Firm Evolutions (4)

1811 →
18 London Street [P.O.]
1820 →
18 London Street [P.O.]
1834 →
18 London Street [Pigott 1832-1834]
1845 →
John Higgin, WIM [?] 6 Crosby Square [P.O.]


  1. Co-partnership between John Higgin, Henry Crawford and George Whiteley, under the firm of Higgin and Crawford and Higgin, Crawford and Co., dissolved, continued by John Higgin and George Whiteley under firm of Higgin, Whiteley and Co.

  2. Partnership of John Mackarness and John Higgin as West India merchants at 6 Crosby Square dissolved in 1842. [This John Higgin was probably the son of Isaac Higgin].


  1. London Gazette 16142 3/5/1808 p. 632

  2. London Gazette 20090 12/04/1842 p. 1028.