
Robert Kite & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (2)

 Investment in Firm
 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (4)

1811 →
1820 →
26 Bucklersbury [P.O.]
1834 →
26 Bucklersbury [Pigott]
1836 →
26 Bucklersbury [P.O.]


  1. Dissolution of partnership of Hugh Campbell Mair and Robert Kite as insurance brokers under the firm of Hugh Campbell Mair & Co., the business of insurance brokerage to be transferred to Robert Kite     

  2. Dissolution of partnership between Robert Kite and Benjamin Aplin of Bucklersbury as wine-merchants 31/12/1820


  1. London Gazette 16440 1/1/1811 p. 24

  2. London Gazette 17742 1/9/1821 p. 1786