
John Miller jun. And Co

Firm Details

People & Investments (3)

 Other partner
 Name partner
 Name partner

Firm Evolutions (2)

1829 →
[London Gazette]
1829 →
Miller, Ferguson and Stuart [London Gazette]


  1. Dissolution of co-partnership between John Miller, Robert Ferguson and John Stuart at Glasgow under firm of John Miller and Company and at Kingston Jamaica under the firm of Miller, Ferguson and Co., 31/12/1828, John Miller retiring: business to be carried on under firm of John Miller, jun., and Co., and in Kingston under firm Miller, Ferguson and Stuart

  2. Glasgow June 14 1838; Dissolution of co-partnerships carried on by the subscribers as merchants in Kingston in Jamaica under the firm Miller, Ferguson and Stuart, and in Glasgow under  the firm of Robert Ferguson and Company: John Stuart authorised to receive and pay all debts.  Robert Ferguson, John Miller junr., John Stuart


  1. London Gazette 18564 3/4/1829 p. 631

  2. London Gazette 19628 22/6/1838 p. 1425 [extract from Edinburgh Gazette of June 19 1838]