
Thomas Latham & Co.

Firm Details

People & Investments (3)

 Name partner
 Investment in Firm

Firm Evolutions (3)

1794 →
Latham & Pulsford Wine Merchts. 91 Great Tower Street [Kents]
1800 →
Thomas Latham & son wine merchts. 91 Great Tower Street [P.O.]
1811 →
23 Leadenhall Street [P.O.]


  1. Intertwining of Latham and Pulsford families. Wine merchants, in business together 1790s. Thomas Latham (1744-1818), will dated 11/6/1818 mentions W & R Pulsford; 1833 Thomas' son Alfred marries Frances Pulsford of Wimpole Street and Linslade Manor Bucks.  [ accessed 03/03/2010.


  1. [ accessed 03/03/2010.