
Pointe Sable

Estate Details

Associated Claims (1)

£2,833 1S 8D

Estate Information (8)

What is this?

[Number of enslaved people] 83(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe de Sable  

Return of Madame Veuve Laporte; returned by [no first name given] Laporte, manager [gereur]; in French; sugar estate; Vieux Fort

T71/379 512-514
[Number of enslaved people] 77(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe de Sable  

Return of Veuve [no first name given] Laporte, owner; sugar plantation; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/381 818
[Number of enslaved people] 105(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe Sable  

Return of Madame Veuve Laporte, owner; sugar plantation; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/383 953-954
[Number of enslaved people] 109(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe Sable  

Return of Madame Veuve Laporte, owner; sugar plantation; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/385 1112
[Number of enslaved people] 111(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe Sable  

Return of St Romain Laporte, administrator; sugar estate; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/387 1242-1247
[Number of enslaved people] 113(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe Sable  

Return of Sieur Romain Laporte; administrator; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/388 1423-1424
[Number of enslaved people] 117(Tot)  
[Name] Pointe Sable  

Return of Laporte Veuve Aquart, the heirs of Joseph Laporte Dulamoua and the estate of Jean Marie St Romain Laporte, owners; sugar plantation; in French; Vieux Fort

T71/390 1576-1577
[Name] Pointe Sable  
[Size] 75  

Proprietor given as D. Minvielle. 75 acres with a windmill.

Papers on Subjects Connected with the Duties of the Corps of Engineers (1849) vol. 10 p. 228