
Colbeck's Estate

Estate Details

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Associated People (13)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
- 1728 [LA] → Tenant-for-life
- 1728 [LA] → Tenant-in-tail or Remainderman
05/12/1775 [SD] - 1786 [EY] → Tenant-in-tail or Remainderman
1786 [SY] - 1822 [EY] → Tenant-in-tail or Remainderman
1741 [EA] - 1741 [LA] → Previous owner
1743 [EA] - 1743 [LA] → Owner
1765 [EA] - 05/12/1775 [ED] → Owner
1817 [EA] - → Attorney
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1820 [EA] - → Attorney
1822 [EA] - → Legatee

Lady Jannet Grant entitled to a legacy of 拢4,000 on the estate under the will of John McLeod the elder (died 1775), given that her brother John McLeod the younger had died without male issue.

1823 [EA] - 1832 [LA] → Attorney
1834 [EA] - → Mortgagee-in-Possession

Associated Claims (1)

£4,887 3S 10D


The compensation money for this estate was the subject of the Chancery case Faulkner v. Daniel (Michaelmas term, 1840). A report of the case gives an outline of the history of the estate from 1765:

"In this case the bill was filed by Sir A. B. Faulkener and Ann his wife, the latter being the administratrix of Dame Jannet Grant, deceased, formerly Jannet McLeod, spinster, against Thomas Daniel and John Daniel, Jane McLeod, James McLeod, and other persons claiming legacies of annuities under the will of John McLeod, dated 13th of January 1775. By that will, the testator devised his estate called 'Colbecks', in Jamaica, to trustees, upon trust, for such child as he might have by his then wife, at the time of his death, or born in due time afterwards; and in default of such issue, in trust for his nephew, John McLeod, the eldest son of Donald McLeod, during his life, with remainder to the first and other sons of the said John McLeod, in tail male, with similar limitations to the said Donald McLeod, the testator's brother, and his second and other sons, with remainder in trust, for the testator's own right heirs for ever. The will then bequeathed to the said Jannet McLeod, in manner following--' An upon this last-mentioned contingency, failing heirs male of my said brother, and of my said estate going to my right heirs more remote as aforesaid, then I do hereby charge, suject, and make liable my said estate with the payment of the sum of 5,000l to my niece, Jannet McLeod, over and above the sums of money hereintobefore left and bequeathed to her.' By the will, power was given to J. McLeod to charge the estates in favour of his daughters, and he accordingly created such charges by will. The bill prayed an account of the receipts and payments of the defendants Messrs. Daniel, as mortgagees in possession of the Colbecks estate, devised by the will, and payment of the legacy of 5,000l, after satisfaction of what, if anything remained due to those parties, and also for the appointment of a receiver and consignee of the proceeds of the said estate, and for a transfer into court of a sum of money awarded by the commissioners acting under the Slave Compensation Act, as due in respect of the Colbecks estate, and standing in the name of the Accountant General, subject to the present suit."

John McLeod the elder had mortgaged the estate in 1765 "for a large sum of money", of which about 拢4,000 was still due on the death of John McLeod the younger in 1822.

The Lord Chancellor found against the plaintiff, who was ordered to pay costs.


Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].

Estate Information (59)

What is this?

[Name] Colebeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cotton, livestock, white lime, hire of enslaved people (68 people), wainage, wood and store rent  

Belonging to the Honourable Thomas Barnard Esq.deceased. Account filed by Gabriel Jones as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives, IB/11/4/1 116
[Name] Colebeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, livestock, storehouse rental and wainage  

Accounts filed from 15th Mar - 31st Dec. Estate of William Henry Barnard Esq. Account filed by John McLeod as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/2 67
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

Belonging to John McLeod Esq. Account filed by Thomas Blinshall as overseer of the estate.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/2 163
[Name] Colbeck's  

Mortgaged for "a large sum of money" by it's then owner John McLeod the elder.

Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].
[Name] Colbeck's  

Bequeathed by John McLeod the elder to his brother Donald McLeod and thence entailed to his nephew John McLeod the younger and heirs male.

Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the late John McLeod Esq. deceased (died 12th May). Produce disposed of by John grant as his executor. Account filed by Silas Hathaway.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/7 277
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the late John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by Robert Wills.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/8 81
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by Robert Wills.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/9 49
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by Robert Wills.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/9 160
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by Charles MacLeod.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/9 201
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle  

Property of the Heirs of John McLeod Esquire. Account filed by Charoes Mcleod, overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/10 123
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esquire deceased. Account filed by James Grant as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/16 161 f.81
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/11 157
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq. deceased. Account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/11 164
[Name] Colbeck's  

Inherited by John McLeod the younger on the death of his father, as tenant-in-tail. The role of the father is unclear in the account of the will: he is described as the heir of his brother John McLeod, but his son is also suggested to have been the first heir in the entail.

Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar, rum  

Property of the heirs of John McLeod Esq; account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/12 160
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules and one horse  

The property of the heirs of John Macleod Esq deceased; account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/13 145
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, one horse  

The property of the heirs of John [ . . . ] Esq deceased; account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/14 68
[Name] Colbeck Estate  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle  

The property of the heirs of John Macleod deceased. Account filed by James Grant.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/15 366-367 f.203
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules  

The property of John Macleod Esquire. Account filed by Alexander Murray as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/16 321 f.159 [duplicated 323]
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, cocoa  

The property of John Macleod Esquire. Account filed by Patrick McAlpin.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/18 19 [f.5]
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules  

The property of John McLeod Esquire of Great Britain. Account filed by Patrick McAlpin as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/18 350-351 [f.170]
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle  

The property of John McLeod Esquire of Great Britain. Account filed by Patrick McAlpin as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/19 178
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules, one horse, pasturage  

Property of John Macleod Esq of Great Britain. Account filed by Patrick McAlpin.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/20 67
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, horses, cattle, hire of enslaved people  

Property of John MacLeod Esq of Great Britain. Account fild by John Leslie.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/20 219
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar, rum, stock  

Belonging to John McLeod, Esq, of Great Britain. Account filed by John Leslie.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/22 41
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar, rum, mules, steers, cows, heifers, bull, colt, corn and jobbingh  

Belonging to John Maitland, Esq of Great Britain. Account filed by John Leslie, overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/22 67
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar, rum, steers, cows, heifers, mules, calves, sheep, corn, pasturage  

Belonging to John McLeod, Esq, of Great Britain. Account filed by John Leslie, overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/22 129
[Name] Colbecks  
[Crop] Sugar  

Plotted in St Catherine as a sugar estate with a watermill and a cattle mill in James Robertson's 1804 map of Jamaica.

To the King's most excellent Majesty, this map of the island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys. . . (London, J. Robertson, 1804), based on Robertson's survey of the county of Middlesex which he compeleted in 1798.
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules, corn, pasturage  

Property of John Macleod Esq of Great Britain. Account filed by John Leslie as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/24 94-95
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, pasturage  

Property of the heirs of John Macleod Esq. Account filed by John Leslie as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/26 216-217
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, corn, pasturage  

Property of the heirs of John Macleod Esq deceased. Account filed by John Cameron.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/27 115-116
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar and rum  

The property of the Heirs of John McLeod Esq deceased. Account filed by John Cameron as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/29 116
[Name] Colbeck  
[Crop] sugar, rum, cattle, mules, corn, pasturage  

Property of the heirs of John Macleod Esq deceased. Account filed by John Cameron.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/31 52
[Name] Colbeck Plantation  
[Crop] sugar and rum, cattle, mules , horse, pasturage, corn  

Belonging to the heirs of John McLeod, Esq, deceased. Account filed in the name of Norman McDonald (status not given).

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archvies 1B/11/4/32 144
[Name] Colbecks  
[Crop] sugar, rum, wainage, livestock, land rental, house rental, logwood and rental of the wharf and stores  

Account filed by Norman McDonald as overseer.

Accounts Produce, Jamaica Archives 1B/11/4/37 106
[Number of enslaved people] 266(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck  
[Stock] 322  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1811) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in of the March Quarter 1809, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 264(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck  
[Stock] 328  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1812) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 241(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 440  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1816) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 239(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 422  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1818) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 243(Tot) 141(F) 102(M)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Malcolm McLeod as attorney to John McLeod Esquire.

T71/13 1-6
[Number of enslaved people] 232(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 340  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1820) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 233(Tot) 139(F) 94(M)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Hon William Shand and Robert Hamilton Esq as Attornies for John McLeod Esq.

T71/14 84-86
[Number of enslaved people] 221(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 398  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1822) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Name] Colbeck's  

John McLeod the younger charged the estate in favour of his daughters and died in 1822. At this point, c. 拢4,000 was still due on the mortgage from 1765. As John McLeod the younger had no legitimate son, at this point Lady Jannet McLeod was also entitled to a legacy of 拢5,000 under the will of her uncle John McLeod the elder.

Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].
[Number of enslaved people] 227(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 524  

Registered to John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1824) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 227(Tot) 133(F) 94(M)  
[Name] Colbeck  

In the possession of Alexander McInnes Esq as Attorney to John McLeod Esq decd.

T71/15 13-14
[Number of enslaved people] 227(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 418  

Registered to the estate of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1826) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 231(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 375  

Registered to the estate of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1827) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 277(Tot) 128(F) 99(M)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Alexander McInnes as Attorney to John McCleod Esq.

T71/16 67-68
[Number of enslaved people] 232(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 315  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1828) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 233(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 241  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1829) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 237(Tot)  
[Name] [no name given]  

In the possession of Alexander McInnes Esq as Attorney to the Estate of John McLeod Esq decd.

T71/17 103
[Number of enslaved people] 234(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Crop] Listed as an estate so likely sugar.  
[Stock] 308  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1831) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 210(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's estate  
[Stock] 231  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1832) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 216(Tot)  
[Name] Colbeck's estate  
[Stock] 211  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1833) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Number of enslaved people] 234(Tot)  
[Name] Colbecks Estate  

In the possession of Alexander McInnes Esq as Attorney to the Estate of John McLeod Esq decd.

T71/18 359
[Name] Colbeck's  
[Size] 5586  

Registered to the heirs of John McLeod.

Jamaica Almanac (1840) transcribed at The almanac was based on the givings-in for the previous March Quarter, hence the earlier evolution date.
[Name] Colbeck's  

Lady Ann Faulkner, sister of Lady Jannet Grant, lost her Chancery bid to have the compensation for the enslaved people on this estate transferred to the Court of Chancery on the basis of her sister's unpaid legacy of 拢5,000.

Law Reports (1840) accessed via [accessed 13/03/2015].