
Ambrose Humphrys

Company Role

United Mexican Mining Association

???? - 1844

Mining (Latin American)

No notes

Firm Notes

  1. 3 directors (including Samuel Bosanquet) and 2 auditors (including Ambrose Humphrys) 'went out' of the UMMA No. 13 Old Broad Street in 1831.

  2. 3 directors including John Hibbert and James Mackillop and 2 auditors (including Ambrose Humphrys) 'went out' in 1832.

  3. 3 directors and 2 auditors (including Ambrose Humphrys) 'went out' in 1833.

  4. Two directors including Ambrose Humphrys 'went out' in 1844.

Firm Sources

  1. London Gazette 18824 15 July 1831 p. 1430

  2. London Gazette 18951 6 July 1832 p. 1556

  3. London Gazette 19066 12 July 1833 p. 1348

  4. London Gazette 20359 2 July 1844 p. 2272