
Barbados 2154 (Endeavour)

No Date | 55 Enslaved | £1258 7s 7d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/897: claim by Thos W. Bradshaw. Counterclaims from Elizabeth Cutting, of Bridgetown, Barbadoes, for 拢280 currency (unpaid purchase money for 8 enslaved persons) and 拢60 currency (arrears of annuity). Local creditors and the Daniels made other counterclaims for liens on enslaved persons etc.

Kathleen Mary Butler, The Economics of Emancipation: Jamaica and Barbados 1823-1843 (Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 1995) p. 88: Thos W. Bradshaw bought the Endeavour estate in 1839 [sic].

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (3)

Other association
Claimant: the destination of the compensation money is not yet clear.
Other association
Other association

Associated Estates (1)