
Nevis 293 (Stoney Hill)

15th Feb 1836 | 177 Enslaved | £3079 10s 2d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 108.

T71/882: Aston Devoren [sic] was the Representative of Wm. Worthington Wickes. 'Statement shewing the interest of the claimant in the slaves comprized in this claim'.

Times 11/12/1824 p. 4: auction sale as a result of the bankruptcy of James Wildman, of Fen-court Fenchurch St., Merchant of a debt of 拢8000 to James Wildman secured on the Stoney Hill and Deodand estates, subject to a prior mortgage charge of 拢6000, and a debt of 听拢15,000 or thereabouts due on open account to James Wildman by Henry Rawlins and Wm. Worthington Wickes, the mortgagers of the plantations.

Times 28/04/1842 p. 12: sale of a debt of 拢21,143 13s sterling and upwards secured on Stoney-hill and Deodand estates, as a result of the bankruptcy of Rowland Mitchell. Aston Davoren's father James was originally the sole executor. Aston Davoren inherited the role with his brother Richard Griffin Davoren, who was resident in St Kitts.

Further Information

Claim No.
Stoney Hill
Collected by
Mitchell, Rowland

Associated Individuals (1)

Awardee (Executor or executrix)

Associated Estates (1)