
Jamaica Vere 46 (Suttons Pasture Estate)

5th Oct 1835 | 107 Enslaved | £2324 10s 8d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 19.

See also Vere claim no. 71.

T71/858: claim by Sir William Henry Cooper (an absentee), as a surviving trustee of James Dawkins. Counterclaim by John Biddulph and Samuel Pepys Cockerell, as surviving trustees of Jas. Dawkins under Indres of Appointment and Assignment of 03/04/1834.  

Times 17/08/1831 p. 3: shows Samuel Pepys Cockerell as trustee for a legacy under Mrs Siddons will in 1831.

T71/1608: letter, dated 18/12/1835, from Fladgate, Young & Jackson: held by Samuel Pepys Cockerell and John Biddulph as trustees.

T71/1608: letter, dated 10/09/1835, from Henry Young, referring to the claim of Rev. Sir Wm. Hen. Cooper Bt., as trustee of James Dawkins. John Biddulph, of Charing Cross, and Samuel Pepys Cockerell, of Lincolns Inn, subsequently added appointed co-trustees, then Sir. W. H. Cooper died; but these are not real counter-claims.

Jamaica Almanac (1817): estate registered to Henry Dawkins.

Jamaica Almanac (1818): estate registered to James Dawkins.

Jamaica Almanac (1833): estate registered to James Dawkins.

Further Information

Claim No.
Suttons Pasture Estate
Collected by
Young, Henry of OSmith and HY

Associated Individuals (4)

Unsuccessful claimant
Beneficiary unsuccessful
Awardee (Trustee)

Associated Estates (1)