
Jamaica St Ann 46 (Rural Retreat)

24th Oct 1836 | 16 Enslaved | £304 6s 8d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 289.

T71/857: claim by Chas Brown, parish of St Ann, attorney to Matthew Adam .

T71/1593 pp. 274-275: letter dated 03/10/1836 to Matthew Adam, Royal Academy, Inverness, Scotland, alerting him to counterclaim by Philip Pinnock and of the hearing on 19/10/1836.

T71/1606: letters dated 23/05/1834 and 21/08/1835 from Matthew Adam 'Being in right of my late wife Ellen Moffat Atkinson, proprietor of a pimento plantation named Rural Retreat', attorney was Charles Brown, re timing and process. Letter dated 19/09/1842 from Henry Todd, 39 York Place, Edinburgh, has only now a power of attorney from Pinnock 'a poor proceed with an action here against Adam the claimant who had surreptitiously obtained an award and drawn payment of the compensation,pending a reference made by his Attorney and the counter-claimant to the Assis Commiss who preferred Pinnock.' [Pinnock was executor of Dalhouse a judgement creditor of Mr Atkinson]. Letter from Matthew Adam dated 26/01/1844 refers to the rules of the compensation commission, and deadlines, asking if there another set of rules as the other side has produced a different set?

T71/1594 p. 60: letter from Court of Chancery to Adam Rector of Royal Academy dated 20/05/1837, Court of Chancery 'recommend to you to refund the sum which you have received in this case.'  Adam wrote to Brown on 31/10/1836 about the origins of Pinnocks claim, 'and if satisifed I would not avail myself of the Decision in my favour.'

Further Information

St Ann
Claim No.
Rural Retreat

Associated Individuals (1)


Associated Estates (1)