
Antigua 11A (Monteros)

10th Oct 1836 | 112 Enslaved | £926 1s 11d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 308.

T71/877: claim by Thomas Clark, owner-in-fee. Counterclaims from inter alios James Thompson, of the City of Londonderry, Ireland, merchant, execution creditor for 拢4422 13s 11d from 01/01/1831; Henry Anthony Hardman, of Hill Villa, parish of Milbrook, Southampton (Hampshire), mortgagee; Richard Trench, of Burseledon, Hampshire and Rowland Williams, of Weston Grove, Surrey, 'assignees of a mortgage dated 19th April 1819 & under other indres vested in the counterclaim, the whole compensation money.'

See also St David claim no. 65 for a James Thompson.

T71/1593 p 271: letter, dated 19/09/1836, to Henry Anthony Hardman, Belle Vue Lodge, Bitterne, Southampton, inviting him to the hearing on 04/10/1836.

T71/1609: letter, dated 28/9/1836, from Henry Anthony Hardman, Belle Vue Lodge, saying that he had been served notice of a counterclaim by Richard Trench and Rowland E. Williams - 'I give you hereby notice that you are NOT TO PAY that CLAIM TO THEM without MY JOINT signature being affixed in discharge of this same.'

T71/1593 p 281: letter, dated 07/10/1836, to Henry Anthony Hardman, St Albans Hotel, Charles Street, telling him when the award would be delivered on 17/10/1836.

T71/1609: letter, dated 16/12/1834 (filed under Antigua claim no. 161) from Richard Trench, Elms Lodge, Southampton, 'As trustee to the marriage settlement of Anthony Hardman Esq I am advised to give you notice that his interest in the Montero Estate and in the slaves thereon in the Island of Antigua, are subject to the uses thereof the Trust and thus it will be necessary to have the consent of all the Trustees before any compensation money for slaves so included shall be advanced by you.'

T71/1622: adjudication, dated 23/11/1840, stating that, as well as Trench & Williams, James Thompson got 拢713 7s 5d as execution creditor; the last 拢496 5s 3d went to James Cavan and John McKellar as trustees; the dividends and interest for Thomas Clark's lifetime went to James Thompson as judgement creditor; the principal went to John McKellar as remainderman for 25 enslaved persons.

T71/1593 p.304: letter, dated 21/10/1836, to Mrs McKellar, 2 Judd Place East, re. process.

See also Antigua claim no. 11B.

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (6)

Beneficiary (Mortgagee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Owner-in-fee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Assignee)
Awardee (Assignee)
Other association

Associated Estates (1)