
Jamaica St Ann 153 ([none shown in T7/857] Ardoch)

20th Feb 1837 | 94 Enslaved | £1717 18s 4d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 289.

T71/857: claim by David Brydon, executor of David Finlay deceased of Ardoch. Counterclaim by Thomas Stirling and William Stirling by John Hopton Forbes their attorney 'entitled to the mortgage money secured by Indenture of 1 Jany 1824 by virtue of deed poll dated 10 Jany 1831 being 拢5931 11s 8d & interest.'

T71/1181: Thomas Stirling of Kingston in the county of Surrey [presumably Jamaica rather than England?] and Wm Stirling a captain in the East India Co.

Counterclaim also by Alexander Finlay, David Finlay's brother, of Pebble Hill near Godstone in the county of Surrey, as residuary legatee.

T71/1608: letter from Alex Finlay Newton Hall Hadingtonshire, Scotland, dated 29/11/1834, stating he is entitled to 336 negroes on Ardoch Pen in St Anns and Lyon Estate in St Caths.: 'Having at present a demand against me of 拢500 which I propose to pay out of the fund, I wish to now if I can give security by lodging a caveat with your Board, agreeing that you shall reserve this portion of my claim till the person to whom I owe the money is satisfied.'

T71/1608: letter dated 29/11/1834 from Alex Finlay Newton Hall, Haddingtonshire, Scotland, re anticipating the receipts of compensation and pledging them for this claim and another ostensibly on Lyon estate in St Catherine. [No trace of Lyon Estate in St Catherine.]

Jamaica Almanac (1833): Ardoch estate the property of David Finlay.

Further Information

St Ann
Claim No.
[none shown in T7/857] Ardoch

Associated Individuals (3)

Unsuccessful claimant

Associated Estates (1)