
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Changing dietary habits early in life: A field experiment with low income families

15 December 2021, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

Food delivery service man in red uniform handing fresh food to young woman. Photo: Vittaya_25 / Adobe Stock

In this webinar, Michele Belot will evaluate the malleability of dietary habits early on in life with two interventions targeting low income families with children of age two to six.

This event is free.

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Francesca Foliano

The presenter will discuss the findings from these three month interventions.

Families are asked to either prepare healthy meals with ingredients delivered to their door or to eat at regular times. Families in the control group carry on as usual. 

Both interventions lead to a fall in children's body mass index, effect that persists for three years for the first intervention, but fades away after two years for the second. In contrast, no effects is found on parents.

This event will be particularly useful for those interested in health and health economics.

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About the Speaker

Michele Belot

Professor of Economics at Department of Economics and at the School of Industrial Labor Relations at Cornell University

Her research interests are broadly in applied microeconomics, with a special interest in experimental work in areas related to labour, health and education.